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Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling course

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Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling Unit – Modules 1-4 bundle (24 February — 20 July, 2025)


Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling Unit - Module 1: Science of Reading and Effective Instruction (24 February – 6 April, 2025)

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Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling Unit - Module 2: Oral Language, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics (31 March – 11 May, 2025)

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Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling Unit - Module 3: Spelling, Fluency and Vocabulary (5 May – 15 June, 2025)

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Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling Unit - Module 4: Putting it All Together: Comprehension, Assessment and Planning (9 June – 20 July, 2025)

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SKU: AEIR25I1B1 Category:

Course overview

The Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling course provides educators and other professionals with an understanding of the research evidence behind the Science of Reading. It offers practical ways to implement effective reading and spelling interventions in the classroom, using explicit instructional strategies.

Education professionals looking to understand the foundations of evidence-based strategies will benefit by learning how to best implement them in the classroom environment.

All four modules contribute towards TQI ACT accredited professional development. 

By enrolling in Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling modules, participants will have access to all videos and content for a year from the course starting date. However, moderation for each module will cease six weeks post commencement.

Intake dates for 2025:

  • Intake 1: 24 February 2025
  • Intake 2: 5 May 2025
  • Intake 3: 4 August 2025
  • Intake 4: 3 November 2025

Enrolment for Intake 1 is now open.

Please note: the modules in this course are sequential — see module descriptions below for prerequisites.

Buy all four modules as a bundle and save $380.


Foundations in the Science of Reading and Effective Instruction

Teacher Quality Institute ACT (10 hrs), InSpEd endorsed

Mode: eLearning 

Duration: 7-10 hours

Prerequisite: Nil

Cost: $495 AUD


Oral Language, Phonemic Awareness, Phonics and Word Reading

Teacher Quality Institute ACT (8 hrs), InSpEd endorsed

Mode: eLearning 

Duration: 7-10 hours

Prerequisite: Module 1

Cost: $495 AUD


Spelling, Fluency and Vocabulary

Teacher Quality Institute ACT (8 hrs), InSpEd endorsed

Mode: eLearning 

Duration: 7-10 hours

Prerequisite: Modules 1 & 2

Cost: $495 AUD


Putting It All Together

Teacher Quality Institute ACT (7 hrs), InSpEd endorsed

Mode: eLearning 

Duration: 7-10 hours

Prerequisite: Modules 1, 2 & 3

Cost: $495 AUD

Frequently asked questions

Yes. All four modules are NTQI accredited and InSpEd endorsed. The table below provides a breakdown for each module.

 Module 1Module 2Module 3Module 4
TQI hours10 hours8 hours8 hours7 hours

Effective Instruction in Reading and Spelling modules are designed for a cohort of students to move through together, so there is a set start and end date for each. There will be two intakes in 2024 (June and September) so each module will be offered twice.

Participants will continue to have access to the modules (videos and content) for a year from the advertised starting date, but moderation will cease after the closing date.

There is a reading to be completed prior to each topic. Topics within a module are typically broken into several short video presentations followed by interactive activities that offer the opportunity to apply and test your understanding of the content addressed. In addition, there are embedded opportunities to discuss content and exchange ideas with other participants and course facilitators.

The modules provide an understanding of underlying theory, but there is a focus on practical application of the content in the classroom. Videos are used to support the presentations and practical exercises are embedded in the modules to allow practice and development of skills. You can also use the comment facility to pose questions and exchange ideas.

Each module consists of three or four topics. The time taken to complete each topic will vary from individual to individual and across topics. Including the required readings and online content, an approximate estimate of the time involved would be 2–3 hours per topic. 

Yes. The entire course of four modules is designed to be done in sequence. However, you do not need to complete all modules without a break. For example, you might complete Modules 1 and 2 in the first intake and delay modules 3 and 4 until the next intake. 

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