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Leading School Transformation: Using an Evidence-based Approach


Two days




$1,495 AUD

Discounts of 20% available for second and subsequent participants from the same school

Course dates:

Brisbane, 5–6 March
Perth, 26–27 March
Sydney, 7–8 May
Melbourne, 21–22 May

Brisbane, 13–14 August
Perth, 10–11 September
Melbourne, 22–23 October
Sydney, 12–13 November

Course overview

In this course, principals and leaders will consider how they can strategically design school improvement initiatives and guide their staff to implement practices that result in better student outcomes.

This two-day, in-person professional learning workshop is designed for principals, assistant and deputy principals, and aspiring leaders who wish to have a deeper understanding of the evidence base of the science of learning and the Science of Reading, and how to apply this knowledge to transform their school and positively impact student outcomes. It will support leaders to utilise their knowledge of the evidence base to develop school improvement plans and make strategic decisions to positively impact day-to-day instructional practices in classrooms.

As leaders progress through the workshop content, they will construct their own action plan as a parallel process. This will assist leaders to identify their next steps to catalyse school transformation, in response to analysis of their own school context.  

Schools may find it most beneficial for principals along with members of their leadership team to attend the workshop together, as it enables collective learning and action planning. Discounts are available for multiple participants.

What the workshop covers

  • Leading school transformation
  • The core challenge to improving student outcomes in Australia
  • Actions of high-performing schools in relation to the Leadership for Learning Framework
  • Pre-conditions for school transformation and cultivating cultures for collaboration
  • Frameworks that provide a systematic approach to leading school transformation, to prioritise the ‘right work’ that will lead to improved student outcomes
  • The evidence underpinning the science of learning and the Science of Reading
  • Implications of evidence base for leading instruction and decision-making for whole-school approaches
  • The Response to Intervention model: Curriculum architecture for data-based decision-making, assessment and reporting
  • School leader guest speaker to share a story of school transformation using a strategic evidence-based approach, including opportunity for Q&A.

Course resources

Leaders will be provided with relevant pre-readings prior to commencing the workshop and a copy of the new textbook Effective Instruction for Reading and Spelling (Wheldall, Wheldall & Buckingham, 2023), which is an accessible, up-to-date guide to evidence-informed practices in reading and spelling.

These resources provide targeted preparation and will also be used for further unpacking and analysis during workshop activities. They will also be useful for future reference and ongoing learning to support evidence-based decision-making.


Georgie Wynne, Course Convenor
BEd, Grad Cert Behaviour, MEd Special Education, MEd Leadership, Prof Certificate – Instructional Leadership

Monica Wright, Course Facilitator
BPsycSc (Hons), BEd (Primary and Secondary), Cert I & II Auslan

Maddy Goto, Course Facilitator
BA (Hons), MTeach (Primary)

Apply for admission

Admission to ‘Leading School Transformation: Using an Evidence-based Approach’ is by application. Non-principals will need to provide an endorsement from their principal to complete the application – please download the Principal Endorsement Letter, which will need to be signed and uploaded to support your application.

If multiple staff members would like to apply, each will need to submit their own application using the form below.

We will inform you of the outcome of your application within 10 business days.

Applications for 2025 dates are now open. 

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