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Teacher education reform: Where will all the experts come from?

The problems with education in Australia are not new. When the first major Commonwealth government report on school quality (the ‘Karmel report) was published in 1985, there was no testing program for literacy and numeracy but employers were of the view that the basic skill levels of many school leavers were low

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Still too many ‘instructional casualties’

In September, the Productivity Commission released an Interim Report from its Inquiry into the National School Reform Agreement (NSRA). The NSRA is “a joint agreement between the Commonwealth, states and territories to lift student outcomes across Australian schools.

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In the news

New teaching academy announced

MultiLit is pleased to announce the launch of The Academy for the Science of Instruction – a new initiative that will provide in-depth training to school teachers in essential evidence-based teaching skills. Commencing in June, courses offered by The Academy will range from effective instruction in reading and spelling to classroom behaviour management.

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