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Leading School Transformation: Using an Evidence-based Approach workshop

Pre-workshop readings

  1. Leadership for Learning: A framework synthesizing recent research  (Neil Dempster, 2009)
  2. a. The Science of Learning (Deans for Impact, 2015)
    b. The Science of Early Learning (Deans for Impact, 2019)
  3. The principles of instruction: Research-based strategies all teachers should know (Barak Rosenshine, 2012)
  4. Explicit Instruction: Effective & efficient teaching, excerpt Chapter 1: Exploring the foundations of explicit instruction (Anita Archer and Charles Hughes, 2011)
  5. a. Blue Haven Public School – Evidence-based practice case study (NSW Department of Education, CESE, 2019)
    b. Case study: Grace Lutheran Primary School (MultiLit, 2024)

Program pre-work 

  • School data to bring to workshop
    • Behaviour and engagement (student opinion data) measures
    • Attendance data – including ‘categories’ of attendance
    • NAPLAN Reading, Writing, Numeracy:
      • Relative progress and achievement data 
      • Proficiency levels – % of students’ literacy and numeracy proficiency
  • Pre-work activity: Alignment of evidence-based practices (Archer & Hughes/Rosenshine)

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